5 Known (and 5 Surprise) Benefits of Drinking Protein Shakes

5 Known (and 5 Surprise) Benefits of Drinking Protein Shakes

5 Known (and 5 Surprise) Benefits of Drinking Protein Shakes

Patricia Torres | November 10, 2022

What are some benefits of drinking protein shakes?

  1. Muscle growth
  2. Weight loss and maintenance
  3. Diet maintenance
  4. Convenience
  5. Energy boosting
  6. Injury recovery
  7. Sugar level maintenance
  8. Better sleep
  9. Heart and bone health
  10. Healthy Aging

Any health buff worth their salt knows that protein is an important building block in every staple diet. The average person’s daily diet consists of 10-35% protein, which is often enough to fulfill their nutritional needs. 

But athletes, bodybuilders, weight watchers, and more active folks, need to consume more protein to keep up a healthy lifestyle. For these people, one of the best sources is a protein shake.

But what does a protein shake really do for you? It’s time to find out. Let’s discover the benefits of drinking protein shakes — some of these benefits may be familiar, but others may surprise you!

Muscle Growth

Muscle Growth

It’s no surprise that many people who drink protein shakes do so to build muscle. Protein is largely recognized as the provider of amino acids, the chemicals responsible for muscle health and growth, which is why so many athletes and bodybuilders turn to protein shakes to supplement their diet and exercise.

Weight Maintenance

Another no-brainer, protein shakes are good for people who want to lose, gain, or maintain weight. We’ll say more about this in the Diet Maintenance section, too, but for weight, in particular, protein boosts your metabolism by slowing down the rate at which your stomach empties.

Diet Maintenance

Keeping up a high-protein diet is an effective weight loss strategy for many because not only does protein boost your metabolism, but it’s also been found to affect certain hormones that impact your appetite. In essence, it helps you feel less hungry, which cuts down your calorie intake automatically.


Is there any question that the protein shake is convenient? It’s quick to prepare, smooth, and easy to drink, and many protein powders even have delicious flavors. Best of all, it’s readily available for purchase from many sources—even online!

Energy boosting

Energy boosting

Did you know that protein fuels energy by carrying oxygen through your bloodstream? It’s no wonder that athletes love a good protein shake; it’s an energy drink at the same time, without the added sugar. While protein provides just as much energy as carbs and fats, the body absorbs protein differently, again making it ideal for weight maintenance.

Injury recovery

We mentioned that protein is made up of amino acids, which aid in building muscle. That comes into play when the body is healthy, but also when it’s in repair. Amino acids constantly repair your muscles as you stretch your limbs and move, and they work overtime when you’re injured. Beyond that, protein prevents further injury or sickness by boosting your immune system and building antibodies.

Sugar level maintenance

Insulin is a word that’s familiar to diabetics and people watching their sugar levels. Essentially, it’s a hormone that comes from your pancreas and controls the glucose, or sugar, in your blood. Studies have shown that protein actually stimulates insulin secretion, therefore helping your body stabilize its glucose levels.

Better sleep

Not only do protein shakes keep late-night cravings at bay (see our previous section on Diet Maintenance), but they also contain the amino acid tryptophan, which enhances serotonin (the happy hormone) and melatonin (the sleep-inducing hormone). Those who know this even mix milk or yogurt into their protein shakes as a pre-bedtime treat.

Heart and bone health

When we hear protein, we automatically think of muscles. What we don’t know is that protein also impacts the rest of our bodies. We’ve stated some examples already, but in particular, we’d like to focus on the heart and the bones. Nutrients in protein lower cholesterol for a healthier heart and improve bone strength, too.

Healthy Aging

Healthy Aging

Studies have shown that as people age, those who have more protein in their bodies are at a lower risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures. This supports what we stated above about protein being good for bone health, but in addition to that, protein also lowers blood pressure and helps older bodies avoid muscle deterioration.

Key Takeaway

Now that you’ve read the benefits of drinking protein shakes, both the familiar and the less well-known, we’re sure you’ll be more eager to add protein to your diet, be it in the form of shakes or other supplements. 

Where better to get your health necessities than right here at Essential Supplements, the leading provider of USANA products in the Philippines? Our Nutrimeal is the perfect protein shake, packed not only with protein, but also other essential supplements, creating a balanced and filling drink. Check them out here!

5 Known (and 5 Surprise) Benefits of Drinking Protein Shakes

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